Posted by Aubrey on 10/25/2022

An update on the Keel Boats music -

Looking back at a Magic Music forum post, DL FLIGHT 295/DC 88 SPACELINER mentioned that there were specifically three tracks used on the keel boats. These were apparently reused from the Liberty Square Riverboats.

Source: Frontierland Loop Question

The newly unearthed Disneyland Collection (check out the torrents) includes a track called the Keelboat Music Loop. This loop includes four tracks, but only three are unique. The loop (9:26) includes:

  1. Down South

  2. Oh, Dem Golden Slippers

  3. Chiken Pickin Reel

  4. Down South

The tracks in the loop are sped up quite a bit more than the ones shared from the rip earlier, and from a version of “Down South” I found on YouTube.

The DL Collection also includes a 12 minute live ride-through (12:12), which features 9 small clips of the loop. I tracked the sources of all the clips (which play intermittently and close enough together to compile a full listing), and found that the tracks played throughout this particular ride included:

  1. Chiken Pickin Reel

  2. Down South

  3. Oh, Dem Golden Slippers

  4. Chiken Pickin Reel

  5. Down South

A rough alignment of source tracks (i.e., not speeding them up) indicates that Down South is not repeated twice, unlike the “Keelboat Music Loop” track. The live tracks seem to play faster than the source tracks, yet slower than the compile loop track included in the collection. The loop seems to be roughly 7 minutes long.